500 ml Cleansing solution

NoBACZ Navel

500 ml Cleansing solution

NoBACZ Navel


£31.00 excl. VAT

NoBACZ Navel is the first navel product to offer a physical protective coating on the navel combined with trusted cleansing and rapid desiccation. It has been robustly trialled in the largest ever navel protection study(1) where it was shown to be superior to iodine with 17 more lambs surviving per 1000 born in the NoBACZ treated group versus the iodine treated group. Plus it has a bitter ingredient to prevent licking off.

Applications per bottle (5 ml)


Cost per application (5 ml)


Product Features

NoBacz Navel

NoBACZ Navel was specifically developed to improve hygiene and protection during common on farm hygiene procedures like navel dipping, ear tag placement, and castration and tail ringing in lambs and calves. Unlike traditional dip products that simply cleanse the site NoBACZ Navel cleanses and coats the treated areas with a unique patented bioresin combined with metal salts. This layer keeps bacteria out during the drying period for ultimate navel protection.

Cost Saving

Ease of use


Antibiotic Free

NoBacz Navel – Proven in the largest ever navel protection study

NoBACZ Navel has been robustly trialled in the largest ever navel protection study(1). It’s been shown to reduce lamb mortality by 21% versus iodine meaning that 17 more lambs per 1000 born will survive. The study also demonstrated improved 8 week weights in live lambs versus the iodine treated group too.

(1) Lovatt, F. (2024). A randomised controlled trial to compare the use of a novel product (NoBACZ Navel) with strong iodine to protect navel and ear tag sites of neonatal lambs. Sheep Veterinary Society Autumn Conference. September 23 – 25, Linden Hall Hotel, Northumberland, England.


About this product

NoBACZ Navel contains a high % of ethanol to cleanse the navel on contact, then a unique blend of natural polymer and metal salts that form a protective seal at the site to keep environmental pathogens out.

It consists of feed grade materials;  a combination of a natural polymer combined with low levels of metal salts in an ethanol base. As for all navel products it’s not recommended for ingestion when wet due to the ethanol content but there are no specific requirements to prevent contact between ewe and lamb post application.

NoBACZ navel is not reccomended for use near the eyes as it is an irritant, take care not to get any product in the eyes when applying near the face.

How to Guide

Watch the application guide

Where to Buy

See what our customers have to say

I absolutely love using NoBACZ Navel; it’s been an absolute godsend! I wasn’t 100% sure how it would better iodine and surgical spirit, but from seeing how much quicker it dries the navel, even in rainy conditions, and how it deters ewes from licking the lambs’ navels, I would thoroughly recommend it to other farmers.

Ellen Helliwell – Shepherdess and NSA Ambassador

Since using NoBACZ Navel, I have had no cases of navel infections and no sign of any calves wanting to lick the navel. NoBACZ Navel dries the navels as quick as iodine and I also think NoBACZ Navel is economical as I am not having to use an excessive amount of product per navel application.

Jonathan, Cattle Farmer

For me, stand out results are the apparent advantage of NoBACZ Navel over iodine with respect to better lamb survivability, an incredibly exciting result that I am becoming increasingly confident is repeatable as we consider the whole data set.

Fiona Lovatt BVSc, PhD, DSHP, DipCSRHM, MRCVS

Absolutely love this product! I detest using iodine and until now I hadn’t found another suitable replacement for navels at lambing time. I haven’t had to re-apply NoBACZ Navel to a single lamb so far, the ewes seem to leave it alone. It dries the navels far quicker than iodine and you can visibly see the protective coating it leaves. I won’t be going back to iodine that’s for sure! NoBACZ Navel really is great at drying up navels fast, I’ve been dipping tags too.

Jenna, Shepherdess

It has been used on a number of Cheviot Vets’ farms this year with excellent results. With one of our clients reporting that it is better than iodine, with no incidents of cows licking navels. Despite his cows being in for much longer this year due to the poor weather, he has had no navel ill or joint ill cases.

Nick Biggers BVSc MRCVS – Vet


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